SMS broken up into multiple messages

Tue May 30, 2017 1:57 am in AirDroid Mac

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SMS broken up into multiple messages

I am having an issue when sending a text from the airdroid web app (via google chrome on my macbook air) where if i send a sms to an iphone it will break even a small sms up into multiple short sms messages. I've tested sending a really long sms to my own phone (andoird/nexus 6) and that seems to work fine so i am not sure if its JUST sending to iOS or android affected too. I am using the stock android sms app in case that matters. is this normal? if so it renders using this pretty useless

Re: SMS broken up into multiple messages

Hi Andy,

I am having the same issue, did you ever find a cause or fix?



Re: SMS broken up into multiple messages

no unfortunately not. i was hoping someone here might have an idea. i've tried both web and the mac client but seems to happen on both
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