[New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:11 am in AirDroid News

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Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Can you explain why AirDroid must start a process and service at boot and keep it running forever? I have notification mirroring off, and I only use the app occasionally to transfer files. I don't see why it needs to occupy so much RAM in doing so.

Furthermore, in testing my phone just by keeping the screen off and measuring standby battery drain, I'm seeing some drain from AirDroid even though I'm not using it:


Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

the last not work on os 10.11.3
Dora Admin

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Hi @mac+fan, would you please tell us more details about your problem? Any error message?

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

I want Airdroid to ask me about Root Permission but it simply doesnt... How do I activate it again.
I accidently deleted the entry in SuperSu
Dora Admin

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Hi @umut, you can go to the settings in SuperSU to reset the permission for AirDroid and then restart AirDroid to see if it works.

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)


Sure, Dora. I saved two pics here [url]https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8YBhX7fOeanZUNacW5jdnRxWE0&usp=sharing[/url]

One shows my mirrored phone screen and the other the warning upon trying to disconnect the phone from my PC. To be clear, I tried shutting down all running programs on my PC including AirDroid to see what might be causing the issue. Somehow, the procedure of connecting my phone to my PC to start AirMirror causes the problem which persists even after shutting down AirDroid Desktop completely. [/classquote]

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

redmi note 3

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Hi AD team,
I'm still waiting for an entreprise edition to manage more than 6 devices.
When can this release born ?

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Would you please send us the screenshot of the warning?[/classquote][/quote]
Charlene Admin

Re: [New] AirDroid Win v3.2.2 Update, Non-rooted Android Can Use AirMirror on Win, too! (4.1+)

Hi AD team,
I'm still waiting for an entreprise edition to manage more than 6 devices.
When can this release born ?

Hi,please contact this man directly.:)

Eric Wen <eric@airdroid.com>
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