[Help & FAQ] What does the sign in error code mean?

Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:43 am in FAQ

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Re: [Help & FAQ] What does the sign in error code mean?

Nice update, after update I can't login to AirDroid (i can login on the website, so password is oke).
Please fix it.
The errormessage is "Failed to connect to the server (-25000)", I have tried several times to re-login but still not help.
After a hour tried again and works.
Lillian likes this post.
Eagle 3

Re: [Help & FAQ] What does the sign in error code mean?

It's working now.
Lillian likes this post.
Eagle 3

Re: [Help & FAQ] What does the sign in error code mean?

I cannot connect, it says Failed to connect to the server (-10801). Please help. Thanks
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