Moving notification pop-up...

Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:42 pm in AirDroid Win

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Bernard Mataigne

Moving notification pop-up...

Is it possible to move the location of the notification pop-up? I have 2 screens and would like to move the notifications pop-up to screen 2 (as in Pushbullet). The widget is on screen 2 but the notifications still appear in screen 1.

Thanks for your help.

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Bernard Mataigne
Coffee Admin

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

Is it possible to move the location of the notification pop-up? I have 2 screens and would like to move the notifications pop-up to screen 2 (as in Pushbullet). The widget is on screen 2 but the notifications still appear in screen 1.

Thanks for your help.


Thanks for the suggestion. AirDroid now doesn't support this. We'll consider adding this in future updates :)

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

I would really like this feature too. It would be great to be able to move them to a 2nd monitor!

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

I came here specifically looking for how to do this for the same reason as the op, I love airdroid as it's great to be able to keep an eye on messages from my phone easily while I am gaming, however I would much prefer that the there was an option to choose to show the notifications on my second screen so it doesn't interfere with gameplay, (I understand you have a disable during fullscreen mode, but I'd rather not disable it and just move the panels position to my secondary monitor) ..... maybe a shift + drag option would be good, or even a radio button to choose which screen? Would be great to see this feature in future builds, but other than that, this software is amazing great work.

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

I'd really love to have this feature too. I also came from Pushbullet and if I could just make it show on my other monitor everything would be very near perfect! AirDroid is leagues better than Pushbullet so far for me. Thank you!
Rich Bordoni

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

I would really appreciate this feature as well, but for a different reason. I have my taskbar placed vertically on the left side of my screen. I would like the option for notifications to appear on the left side of my screen right next to my task tray, as opposed to on the right side.
Rich Bordoni

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

I would love this feature as well. I see that it has been awhile and this feature has not been added yet though. :(

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

I am also a new user trying this out from Pushbullet and being able to relocate notifications on the desktop is a simple, but an extremely necessary feature.
I could understand if this was a new concern, but over 2 years and you still are not able to move the pop-up. Obviously, being able to move a window on your desktop is considered trivial by Airdroid, but for me, it's a necessity.
Not to sound too mellow dramatic, but after having the option to move the pop-up for so long while using Pushbullet, it's almost a deal breaker not having that possibility anymore.
I don't know. We'll see. I'm still trying it out.

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

Oh wow, I would REALLY like this feature too. I've just given up on MightyText after years of loyal use. Then I tried pushbullet and while I liked the feature of moving the notification pop-up there were a few other things I wasn't happy with. AirDroid does a great job for me - but I would also appreciate being able to move the pop-up.

Re: Moving notification pop-up...

+1 on this feature. Finally moved back to AirDroid after using Pushbullet for about two years. This is the only feature I'm missing. Really annoying to have notifications popup while gaming. I'm aware of the "mute notifications in full-screen mode" but I'm gaming in borderless windowed mode so it doesn't help.
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