my phoe dont appear in win10 client

Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:53 pm in AirDroid Win

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my phoe dont appear in win10 client

i signed in in android phone and do the same in win 10 clinet but android phone dont appear in my devices in win clinet
and windows dont appear in my devices in android app
the same account on the two devices
Niki Admin

Re: my phoe dont appear in win10 client

i signed in in android phone and do the same in win 10 clinet but android phone dont appear in my devices in win clinet
and windows dont appear in my devices in android app
the same account on the two devices


Thank you for your feedback.

We would like to confirm with you that when you sign in desktop Airdroid, is that Airdroid
sign in your device or have been signed out?

If you sign out Airdroid on your device, it will not appear on the windows device list.

Best regards,

Re: my phoe dont appear in win10 client


Thank you for your feedback.

We would like to confirm with you that when you sign in desktop Airdroid, is that Airdroid
sign in your device or have been signed out?

If you sign out Airdroid on your device, it will not appear on the windows device list.

Best regards,

thank you for help
no its not sign out
i sign in in two devices and they are not connected to each other ​
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