Windows client shadow

Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:46 pm in AirDroid Win

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Windows client shadow

Hello, sometimes I see shadow from Airdroid Windows client is displayed, while main Airdroid window is minimized. Here is a screenshot:
When I was using previous versions of Airdroid Windows client I saw this shadow window more often than in recent version, something was fixed in last update, but this issue is not gone completely.
I am a software developer, and recently I had to create my own application with custom window and Aero shadow. There is no need to create a separate window just for shadow, it is possible to turn on standard Aero shadow if Aero is enabled for custom draw windows. I found a solution and want to share it with you:
Please forward this message to Airdroid Windows client developers.

rounded corners

I am unsure if this method is compatible with WS_OVERLAPED window, so most likely Airdroid window will loose rounded corners if using method from the link above. But Aero shadow will indicate whether Airdroid window is active or not. Aero shadow is different for active window. Now Airdroid window looks the same whether it is active or not.
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