A few queries and bugs on mine

Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:06 pm in AirDroid Web

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A few queries and bugs on mine

Bugs I see -

When editing phone names it will
not allow me to put an + in front of the national prefix numbers. It
immediately flicks the curser to the end (to the right) of the digits.

When in Messages mode, clicking
on a msg to view is unresponsive, talking maybe 30 seconds to react and view
the msg.

Can we have a favourites list for
phone numbers. That would be handy and save time. The Frequent panel has icons
- clunky in size. How about words (for the name) and phone number/eddress

I use two screens (LCD's).
Airdroid will not slide panels (Contacts etc) over to the other screen.

It is taking for ever to load
Photos. I have maybe 27 in this folder.

In Ringtones - when I try to test
the ringtone, Notification or Alarm - "File type not supported". Even
when it say some tones are "INUSE".

Stay signed in for 2 weeks never
happens. Gotta manually login each time.

Other than that, it's terrific!
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