AirMirror won't load

Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:10 am in AirDroid Web

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AirMirror won't load


Could you look into why AirMirror does not work with this Android version? (7.1.2)

When I click on AirMirror, I get a notification on my device saying that I'm connected to Airdroid, however, AirMirror keeps on loading and all I see is a white screen.

It works just fine with this version:

Re: AirMirror won't load

Is there ANY actual progress being made in identifying and fixing the issue that the Airmirror plug-in is having with Samsung phones connecting to chromebooks? I am seeing a major problem in that this issue appears to have originally been identified in 2015 and it is still, to this current date of 11/10/2018, NOT FIXED. I have a brand new Samsung S9 and it is pulling the same "Unknown Error Please Restart" that it apparently was reported to be doing when this problem was originally detected. Is there any hope of a future in Airmirror for Chromebook or should I just give up all hope?
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