Airdroid service keeps running

Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:43 pm in AirDroid Web

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Airdroid service keeps running

Hi guys
I've been using Airdroid and I think it's a great application it's the first application I install on any phone , but it has one very annoying problem which is when I finsih an Airdroid session Airdroid does not shut down even pressing the back button and pressing exit still leaves the process running and the Airdroid icon in the top left corner if that's not bad enough I can't log into Airdroid again till I reboot my phone, going to Applications>Running Processes and shutting down Airdroid will let me log back in very occasionally but 90% of the time I have to reboot

Could someone please tell me if it's something I'm doing wrong or is this a characteristic of Airdroid ?

Many thanks



Try turning off "Push Service" and see if that helps. Problem I have is that "Push service" keeps turning itself back on :/

Re: Title

robezno wrote:Try turning off "Push Service" and see if that helps. Problem I have is that "Push service" keeps turning itself back on :/

I exit AirDroid by pressing BACK twice to get the "Exit" prompt.

In current AirDroid, there's a UI "Keep background service running" (or similar words - not starting the app again because of this specific issue).

I've set that to NO. But the service keeps running and brings up a warning from Android about the background service.

I can terminate it via Settings app but this is bad UX. There are 15 other services by other apps listed in Settings - only AirDroid shows up as a warning in Android, indicating it's doing something those other apps don't.

Please fix this.
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