[Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:29 am in AirDroid Web

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Coffee Admin

[Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

1. Search before you post
Other people may have asked the same question, please do some search in the forum and AirDroid Help Articles before you start a new thread.

2. Report a bug
If you have a bug to report, please report with enough information so that we could pinpoint the cause faster. Please specify your problem in details so our developers could help you. We would love if you report your bug following this form:

- Device Model:
- Android/Computer OS Version:
- ROM:
- Browser:
- AirDroid Win/Mac & App version:
- Internet Connection (WIFI or Carrier, Carrier Name):
- Connection Mode:
- Bug Description:
- Logs & Exceptions:
- Screenshots:

3. No Spams
Please don’t post ads and links, or meaningless text, any selling or trading is banned here.

4. Use English
We understand that not all users could speak English well, but please try to express your problems in proper English. If that’s too difficult for you, please use Google Translate or other online translation tools, and post your questions both in your native language and in English. If you want us, want other members to help you, please make that easier for us.

5. Keep discussions in the right categories
For the convenience of browsing, please post discussions in the relevant categories.

General Discussion
- General: Anything that involves AirDroid and doesn't fit in any of the other categories.
- AirDroid News: Follow up on AirDroid's latest News. (Only Forum admins can post new thread here, but all members can comment.)
- Special Events: Together, Talk, Share, Gift, All AirDroid
- Off Topic: Discussion of anything not related to AirDroid.

- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions, AirDroid Tutorials. (Only Forum admins can post new thread here, but all members can comment.)
- AirDroid Win: Bugs and troubleshooting in AirDroid Win client.
- AirDroid Mac: Bugs and troubleshooting in AirDroid Mac client.
- AirDroid Web: Bugs and troubleshooting in AirDroid Web.
- AirDroid APP: Bugs and troubleshooting in AirDroid app.
- Other Issues: Other issues that you can't put in the other bug categories.

Improved AirDroid
- Feature Requests: Tell us what you expect to see in AirDroid.
- Translate AirDroid: Teach AirDroid to speak your own language.

[Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

здравствуйте, как можно получить подарочный премиум код бесплатно.

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

почему на леново А5000 не работает скриншот

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

Big thanks to XDA, AirDroid officially has our own XDA Forum Section! AirDroid encourages you to post questions, bugs, reviews, suggestions. "AirDroid" is the android app to manage all file in your Android device. ... Anyone found to be circumventing the above rule may receive

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

dobijo sam dva bonusa dali mogun dobiti jos jedan ali kada upalim air droid nemam nigdje opciju za bonus dalimi vi to ozete odgovoriti zasto .odgovor mi posaljite na mail. nikicrada22@gmail.com

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

stalno dijelim vasen stranice pavas molim na jos jedan bonus kad upalim na mobitelu air droid nemam nigdje bonus molim vas na mail. nikicrada22@gmail.com

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

Great, thanks a lot )

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

How to snd airdroid link

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

Just wanted to say that I know some Português, so if anyone needs to translate posts into English for the board, feel free to contact me.

Eu sei algum português; então alguém precisar de traduzir posts para inglês no mural, por favor me contate.

Re: [Announcement] AirDroid Forum Rules

charlotte_mason wrote:Great, thanks a lot )

My favorite forum rule is this one I quoted below. It actually should be the easiest to do; however, it is easily overlooked:

"1. Search before you post
Other people may have asked the same question, please do some search in the forum before you start a new thread."
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