Display message to multiple receiversquestion

Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:56 am in Feature Requests

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Niki Admin

Re: Display message to multiple receivers

I agree! Group texting would be awesome!


Thank you for your feedback.

We would like to know why you are in pursuit of this feature and when/where you will use it?

It would be much helpful for us to evaluate it and get closer to our users.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Re: Display message to multiple receivers

Perhaps you don't understand what we mean by Group Texting.

For example in apps like WhatsApp, you can create a messaging thread with multiple recipients who can all respond to the group. This group thread is separate from individual message threads to the same people. For example, I have an individual thread with my wife and many group threads (messages) with other friends which include my wife. Right now, AirDroid does not seem to support group thread/messages, and in the US at least, this is a major product REQUIREMENT for mass adoption. If you don't support this option, you will not gain mass traction in the US.

Re: Display message to multiple receivers

I agree! Group texting would be awesome!

Thank you for your feedback.

We would like to know why you are in pursuit of this feature and when/where you will use it?

It would be much helpful for us to evaluate it and get closer to our users.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Perhaps you don't understand what we mean by Group Texting.

In apps like WhatsApp, you can create a messaging thread with multiple recipients who can all respond to the group. This groupthread is separate from individual message threads to the same people. For example, I have an individual thread with my wife and many group threads (messages) with other friends which include my wife. Right now, AirDroid does not seem to support group thread/messages. The group messages are mixed into the individual thread with my wife. I would also like to send texts out to the groups through AirDroid. I do multiple group texts a day, every single day.

In the US at least, this is a major product REQUIREMENT for mass adoption if you intend to compete with MightyText and PushBullet. If you don't support this option, you will not gain traction in the US.

Justin Willhite

Re: Display message to multiple receivers

+1 for group messaging. Managing people and conversations is something I do all day every day, so this would be an awesome feature.
Justin Willhite
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