Dual Sim Support.

Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:42 pm in Feature Requests

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Tiago Vieira

Dual Sim Support.

Hello, im a AirDroid user and its awesome!
But now-a-days more and more cell phones are Dual-Sim (and starting to go out Triple SIM)
(40%+ of the cellphones especially white branded and Samsung)
Since the Samsung Galaxy Duos release we have been asking AirDroid (On the old forums) to enable this "simple" feature to the system, im here to remember AirDroid about the Dual-SIM feature.

(If you want this feature please Comment to support this request)
Christian Drey likes this post.
Tiago Vieira
Coffee Admin

Re: Dual Sim Support.

Sorry, still not supported now.

Anyone who requests dual sim support, please follow this thread to let us know XD
2 people like this post.
sebastian georg

Re: Dual Sim Support.

please add support for dual sim....
the app is great....good job so far....next level :D
Bobs Android likes this post.
sebastian georg

Re: Dual Sim Support.

also from me, an urgent need for dual SIM support. My HTC One M8 dual sim is an indispensable part of my daily work. Just as AirDroid also. But of course I do not want to answer my "Work sms" with my private number.
Previously was always the justification of the airdroid team the dual sim support in Airdroid is not possible because it is not supported by Android natively. But this has changed since android 5.1, right? (http://www.gizmag.com/android-5-1-update/36468/ )

Re: Dual Sim Support.

Total agree with user Axim,
Airdroid is a major time-saver. And was really hoping that shortly after Android's 5.1 release there would be an updated version to deal with Dual-SIM phones.
It's very frustrating that Aridroid can switch which SMS it's using. I frequently send 'test' text messages to myself to see which SIM Airdroid will use today?
Bottom line, you guys have written an awesome program that so good I recommend it to people like a Jehovah's witness. Pictures, contacts, SMS. Great fast and easy. Please help fix this shortcoming.
PS Would be really cool if you could manage which connections contacts had also. ie device or a google contact.
Bobs Android

Re: Dual Sim Support.

Sorry, still not supported now.

Anyone who requests dual sim support, please follow this thread to let us know XD
I have an Asus Zenfone Laser 2 and would love to have Dual SIM support. I checked out your app due to the lack of Dual SIM in MightyText, and will use whichever gets there first! I hope it is you since this App looks great!

Note: I don't see a follow checkbox to do as you requested.
Bobs Android

Re: Dual Sim Support.

Thanks for your nice post, even I had the same problem like you, but I don't know how to fix.
Alexandre Piquet

Re: Dual Sim Support.

Like anothers, I need dual sim support. Please !!
kelsca likes this post.
Alexandre Piquet

Re: Dual Sim Support.

I've never sent messages from airdroid until today, I wanted to send a message with a link to a friend of mine and the link was on my PC,I used airdoird web but airdoid sent it without asking which sim to use,it used sim 1 which luckily for me it was my personal number not work sim, that's wasn't expected as in Android it asks which sim to use in sending my messages and I expected Airdroid to do the same

If I want to send an sms to my colleague using my work sim that seems to be impossible through Airdroid, that would force me to copy the link to my device's clipboard through Airdroid web then send the sms message from my mobile and paste clipboard content,sms feature in Airdroid is totally useless in that case

For me,if Airdoid supports dual sim that would be great
Dora Admin

Re: Dual Sim Support.

Hi @anajjar, sorry for the inconvenience. We will try to improve it in the future updates and please kindly wait.
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