SMS's sent from desktop app not showing on phone

Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:57 am in AirDroid Mac

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Re: SMS's sent from desktop app not showing on phone

I'm experiencing similar behavior / related problem on Samsung Galaxy Edge running Android 6.0.1. None of the messages sent - either from phone nor desktop appear in the thread. I mostly struggle with the absence of previously received replies not appearing in AirDroid. As a result, I'm seldom using texting feature from the desktop.
Lillian Admin

Re: SMS's sent from desktop app not showing on phone

I'm experiencing similar behavior / related problem on Samsung Galaxy Edge running Android 6.0.1. None of the messages sent - either from phone nor desktop appear in the thread. I mostly struggle with the absence of previously received replies not appearing in AirDroid. As a result, I'm seldom using texting feature from the desktop.


To solve the issue for you more quickly and efficiently, would you please report this issue via Feedback with AirDroid on your device?
Steps: open AirDroid on your phone-->Me--> Settings-->About--> Feedback.

Please do tick the box of “Attach error logs” so that our developers can check the issue for you. It would help us to gather the troubleshoot with more details (there’s no personal data collected), we shall be able to prioritize your request.

Should you have any further questions, always feel free to let us know anytime!

Re: SMS's sent from desktop app not showing on phone

To whom it may concern:

I have gone to applications, application manager, any enabled all permissions to use airdroid to send and receive text messages on my desktop computer however I am still unable to receive text messages on my desktop. Can you advise what additional changes I need to make.
Lillian Admin

Re: SMS's sent from desktop app not showing on phone

To whom it may concern:

I have gone to applications, application manager, any enabled all permissions to use airdroid to send and receive text messages on my desktop computer however I am still unable to receive text messages on my desktop. Can you advise what additional changes I need to make.

Hi, does the same issue happen on PC/Mac desktop client and Can you please send us screenshots of the page after you open SMS on desktop client and
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