How to turn off phone ringing

Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:57 pm in AirDroid Mac

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How to turn off phone ringing

Hey! I really like the feature of SMS notifications. I also like seeing when someone is calling, but when I pick up the call, my Air Droid continues to ring and I have to force quit the program to get it to stop. This is particularly annoying if I am in the middle of a Skype call for example. How can I keep the notifications but ditch the ringing?
Coffee Admin

Re: How to turn off phone ringing

Hey! I really like the feature of SMS notifications. I also like seeing when someone is calling, but when I pick up the call, my Air Droid continues to ring and I have to force quit the program to get it to stop. This is particularly annoying if I am in the middle of a Skype call for example. How can I keep the notifications but ditch the ringing?

Go to settings of AirDroid Mac and you should be able to find a setting called Enable notification sound. Disable it and try again.
Koray Kalmaz

Re: How to turn off phone ringing

Go to settings of AirDroid Mac and you should be able to find a setting called Enable notification sound. Disable it and try again.

Could there be a button to dismiss / mute the popup in the future?
Koray Kalmaz
Lillian Admin

Re: How to turn off phone ringing

Could there be a button to dismiss / mute the popup in the future?

Hi Koray,

You can dismiss the popup notification by click "X" when the popup appears.

And mute notification is available now. Open Settings on AirDroid on your pc, Settings>>Notification setting>>Mute notifications>>turn it on.

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