How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:04 pm in AirDroid Mac

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How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

Hi there,
I'm just discovering this sweet app; doI missed something about the use of Whatapp by airdroid ?
So here is my question :
Why can I only answer to my Whatapps message from the desktop app when the notification arrived, and not from the notification center ? Is it normal to not have this option ? So sad to have to pop by the airmirror solution to go again into the whatapp app, and then answer ...
thank for your help,

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

any help ?
Dora Admin

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

any help ?

Reply WhatsApp message from notification center is not supported for the time being. We will improve it in the future and please kindly stay tuned.

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

Reply WhatsApp message from notification center is not supported for the time being. We will improve it in the future and please kindly stay tuned.

Is there ever going to be an option to look at WhatsApp message history and send new messages, rather than just reply? I hear they're pretty closed off, with no public APIs.

Alternatively, the ability to remotely control my phone would probably do the job, even if it's a bit more fiddly.
Dora Admin

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

@rohaq Hi, there is no option for you to view all WhatsApp message for the time being. But you can check AirMirror to know how to remotely control your phone.

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

Oi como deicho o icone do airdroid oculto no celular?
Dora Admin

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

@kel Any more details about your problem?

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

I've read it above but pls do work on the WA, i'd like to see it soon that we also able to see what's our reply is on the droidWin eventhough we reply/typed the chat from the phone, this app is great, the best i might say. well it's somethin private to be honest but with those option where we can see the message typed in the phone from the droid window we can hey maybe watching our son's daughter or maybe husband/wife chat history so that we may know if there's something they're hiding from us. big thanks. keep up the great work. im using androi 5.0 btw but i can't even reply the message on the WA

Re: How to Answer to a whatapp message by Airdroid ?

Thanks for your answer @dora.
but why if we can shortly answer to the whatapp message by the notification windows we cannot do it by the main center ? Whatapp have to move up to help you dudes !
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