Hi there,
I'm just discovering this sweet app; doI missed something about the use of Whatapp by airdroid ?
So here is my question :
Why can I only answer to my Whatapps message from the desktop app when the notification arrived, and not from the notification center ? Is it normal to not have this option ? So sad to have to pop by the airmirror solution to go again into the whatapp app, and then answer ...
thank for your help,
I'm just discovering this sweet app; doI missed something about the use of Whatapp by airdroid ?
So here is my question :
Why can I only answer to my Whatapps message from the desktop app when the notification arrived, and not from the notification center ? Is it normal to not have this option ? So sad to have to pop by the airmirror solution to go again into the whatapp app, and then answer ...
thank for your help,