Contacts from Mac onto Galaxy S3question

Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:08 am in AirDroid Mac

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Contacts from Mac onto Galaxy S3

Hi all,

Cant pull my old contacts from my mac onto the s3. Easy to to it the other way round (phone to imac) Im stuggling to go in my chosen direction. Any help appreciated.

Niki Admin

Re: Contacts from Mac onto Galaxy S3

Hi all,

Cant pull my old contacts from my mac onto the s3. Easy to to it the other way round (phone to imac) Im stuggling to go in my chosen direction. Any help appreciated.


Thank you for your feedback.

We are sorry that so far pull contacts from my PC onto the phone is not support on Airdroid.

But we will develop its feasible possibility and have an internal discussion about it.

Any development, we will let you know.

By the way, we would like to know why you are in pursuit of this feature and when/where you will use it?

It would be much helpful for us to evaluate it and get closer to our users.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Niki Admin

Re: Contacts from Mac onto Galaxy S3

Hi all,

Cant pull my old contacts from my mac onto the s3. Easy to to it the other way round (phone to imac) Im stuggling to go in my chosen direction. Any help appreciated.


If want to do it,you can go to web Airdroid to pull contact to phone.
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