Transferring files from Android-Mac and then Mac-desktop. Help!question

Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:53 am in General

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Transferring files from Android-Mac and then Mac-desktop. Help!

Hi guys- i thought this would be straight forward but clearly it's not. All i want to do is transfer the files from my Android to my Mac and then have them saved into a file on my Mac. That's it.

I've downloaded the Airdroid app on to my phone and on to my Mac.

I've sent files from the phone app to my Mac which appear in the Airdroid Mac app as thumbnails. So far so good.

But HOW do i then take those files and transfer them to my Mac in a desktop folder?

Also: do the thumbnails mean that the files have been uploaded to airdroid or are they just representing the files on the phone which will be transferred but haven't yet??
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Niki Admin

Re: Transferring files from Android-Mac and then Mac-desktop. Help!

Hi guys- i thought this would be straight forward but clearly it's not. All i want to do is transfer the files from my Android to my Mac and then have them saved into a file on my Mac. That's it.

I've downloaded the Airdroid app on to my phone and on to my Mac.

I've sent files from the phone app to my Mac which appear in the Airdroid Mac app as thumbnails. So far so good.

But HOW do i then take those files and transfer them to my Mac in a desktop folder?

Also: do the thumbnails mean that the files have been uploaded to airdroid or are they just representing the files on the phone which will be transferred but haven't yet??
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Hope that will help you!

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Re: Transferring files from Android-Mac and then Mac-desktop. Help!

Niki wrote:
Hi guys- i thought this would be straight forward but clearly it's not. All i want to do is transfer the files from my Android to my Mac and then have them saved into a file on my Mac. That's it.

I've downloaded the Airdroid app on to my phone and on to my Mac.

I've sent files from the phone app to my Mac which appear in the Airdroid Mac app as thumbnails. So far so good.

But HOW do i then take those files and transfer them to my Mac in a desktop folder?

Also: do the thumbnails mean that the files have been uploaded to airdroid or are they just representing the files on the phone which will be transferred but haven't yet??
Hi ,

Thank you for your feedback.

We have send an email to you( ) to help you solve this problem.

Hope that will help you!

Best Regards,

What about help for everyone else with this issue?
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