Conntected through HotSpot Supported?question

Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:26 pm in General

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Problem in the router

The Hotspot not supporting problem which I recently noticed but that cannot be solved because you need an update simply because there might be some bug which is causing the problem. You can hence check for the best wireless routers which might help you.
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Re: Conntected through HotSpot Supported?

In order to solve a lot of problems with routers, you have to know the router IP address. I've used few times when I had such issues.You can try this one, ore look for another online.
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Re: Conntected through HotSpot Supported?

If you want, go over the videos below with your son, and then possibly use a piece of graph paper or paper to invent a game and try to get him to learn how to think of the state of each object, like Health-Points, or for a target Destroyed, it's a good starter: facebook video downloader
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