Galaxy s5 connected to airdroid -- stays offilne? receives but does not send SMSquestion

Thu May 07, 2015 2:13 am in General

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Galaxy s5 connected to airdroid -- stays offilne? receives but does not send SMS

If anyone can help me with this issue, I have allowed acces to airdroid through my firewall, and been configuring this app for about 3 hours now however my phone status still appears offline, I've tried conneting to my home wifi and also via USB. Still my phone seems to be "offline" not to mention I am receiving incoming SMS but when I reply the SMS is denied i then have to go to my phone and reply to SMS via my galaxy. I thought this program was designed for this specific purpose of not having to run to your phone and to control much of it by pc.... any help would be greatly appreciated, im running samsun galaxy s5. Thank you
Coffee Admin

Re: Galaxy s5 connected to airdroid -- stays offilne? receives but does not send SMS

If anyone can help me with this issue, I have allowed acces to airdroid through my firewall, and been configuring this app for about 3 hours now however my phone status still appears offline, I've tried conneting to my home wifi and also via USB. Still my phone seems to be "offline" not to mention I am receiving incoming SMS but when I reply the SMS is denied i then have to go to my phone and reply to SMS via my galaxy. I thought this program was designed for this specific purpose of not having to run to your phone and to control much of it by pc.... any help would be greatly appreciated, im running samsun galaxy s5. Thank you 

Open AirDroid app on your phone to see if it stll shows offline (You mean it shows offline on AirDroid Win/Mac)?

And can you use it normally on 
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