One Device On Two Accounts?question

Thu May 07, 2015 9:33 pm in General

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One Device On Two Accounts?


Is it possible to have one device on two AirDroid accounts?  If so, how would this affect the operation of either the device or the accounts?  Thanks.
Sida.AirDroid Admin

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

Sorry, AirDroid doesn't support multiple account. You have to sign out before using another AirDroid account on your device.
I wonder why you want to use two account on one device?

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

Well, I was just thinking that if two people both have AirDroid on their devices and both devices are registered with both of their AirDroid accounts then if something happens to one of their devices and that person doesn't have access to a computer the other person would be able to utalize AirDroid to help find their phone or perform other needed tasks.
Coffee Admin

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

Well, I was just thinking that if two people both have AirDroid on their devices and both devices are registered with both of their AirDroid accounts then if something happens to one of their devices and that person doesn't have access to a computer the other person would be able to utalize AirDroid to help find their phone or perform other needed tasks. 

You can sign in to 2 devices with 1 AirDroid account (free user: 2 device; premium user: 6 devices). But you can manage 1 device at a time.

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

Yeah, what I was thinking is just the opposite . . . signing in to 1 device from 2 AirDroid accounts.  Thanks for the feedback.
Coffee Admin

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

Yeah, what I was thinking is just the opposite . . . signing in to 1 device from 2 AirDroid accounts.  Thanks for the feedback. 

That's not supported, sorry :(

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

No worries . . . this is a fabulous app.  :-)

Re: One Device On Two Accounts?

No worries . . . this is a fabulous app.  :-) 

Thanks for your love and support. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions :)
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