SMS archivate

Thu May 21, 2015 10:49 am in General

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Gábor Ferenczi

SMS archivate

Hello Everybody, is there any solution for archivating my SMSs on my phone? If no, I suggest to extend the AirDroid for the archivating method. (Either one-by-one, or selecting all the SMS-s, and saving them into a ZIP file).
Gábor Ferenczi
Coffee Admin

Re: SMS archivate

Hello Everybody, is there any solution for archivating my SMSs on my phone? If no, I suggest to extend the AirDroid for the archivating method. (Either one-by-one, or selecting all the SMS-s, and saving them into a ZIP file). 

Thanks for the suggestion. Archiving SMS is not supported by AirDroid now. I've collected your feature request and we'll consider this :)

And can you tell me why you need this? Thanks!
Gábor Ferenczi

Re: SMS archivate

Coffee wrote:
Hello Everybody, is there any solution for archivating my SMSs on my phone? If no, I suggest to extend the AirDroid for the archivating method. (Either one-by-one, or selecting all the SMS-s, and saving them into a ZIP file).

Thanks for the suggestion. Archiving SMS is not supported by AirDroid now. I've collected your feature request and we'll consider this :)
Hello, excuse me the very late answre. I had to resolve the problem saving the files one by one, but today I plan to change my phone, and I have several important messeges. Some of those are simply personal messeges, but there are official messeges also. (In Hungary I can pay parking fees with my phones, and the financial law predict , that I must archive the messeges in context the paying method for a year).

And can you tell me why you need this? Thanks!
Gábor Ferenczi
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