Screen and pointer reversed in airmirror

Fri May 22, 2015 8:01 am in General

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Screen and pointer reversed in airmirror

When using air mirror in a Ainol Novo 7 venus tablet android 4.2.2, screen shows roatated 180º, while pointer acts as if screen was not rotated, so it's impossible to click on icons as pointer acts as if screen would not be rotated.
Coffee Admin

Re: Screen and pointer reversed in airmirror

When using air mirror in a Ainol Novo 7 venus tablet android 4.2.2, screen shows roatated 180º, while pointer acts as if screen was not rotated, so it's impossible to click on icons as pointer acts as if screen would not be rotated. 

Thanks for the feedback. I've reported this to the developer and they'll look into this.
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