Using to monitor child's Kindlequestion

Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:23 am in General

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Using to monitor child's Kindle

I already use airdroid for myself but would like to use it to monitor my daughter's Kindle HD. She is a pre teen and very chat happy, and I want to be sure she's safe by periodically "looking over her shoulder". Is there a way to install and enable "stealth mode"? Thank you.
Coffee Admin

Re: Using to monitor child's Kindle

I already use airdroid for myself but would like to use it to monitor my daughter's Kindle HD. She is a pre teen and very chat happy, and I want to be sure she's safe by periodically "looking over her shoulder". Is there a way to install and enable "stealth mode"? Thank you.

If the Kindle HD is running Android, you may install AirDroid on it to see if it helps :)
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