Unique Identification

Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:06 pm in General

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Spirit Labs

Unique Identification

How does AirDroid uniquely identify tablets/installs? I have tablets that are cloned from a single ROM and they seem to step on each other in AirDroid

Any insight would be helpful

Spirit Labs
Sida.AirDroid Admin

Re: Unique Identification

Hi Paul,

AirDroid identify devices by IMEI and device MAC address. If two devices have same IMEI and MAC address, they will be considered to be one of the same.
Sida.AirDroid Admin

Re: Unique Identification

The bug is fixed now, you can try reconnect these devices. They should be recognized as different devices now.
Spirit Labs

Re: Unique Identification

Thanks for the quick update! I also discovered I was inadvertently cloning the MAC addresses of the devices (which I have now corrected) - Everything seems to be working great now
Spirit Labs
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