Windows 10 Tablet Mode breaks desktop widgetquestion

Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:04 am in General

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Windows 10 Tablet Mode breaks desktop widget

In Windows 10, I have found that switching to tablet mode on a Surface Pro 3 breaks the desktop widget. It places the desktop widget in the top left corner and it cannot be moved. I have found that you can fix it by killing the Airdroid task, editing the settings.ini to set the location to 100,100 then restarting the program. You can then move it on the screen where you want. However, as soon as you go to tablet mode, then back to desktop mode, the desktop widget is broken again; it is in the top left corner and cannot be moved.

Any suggestions on how to fix this, or is this a defect that needs to wait for the next release?


Coffee Admin

Re: Windows 10 Tablet Mode breaks desktop widget

In Windows 10, I have found that switching to tablet mode on a Surface Pro 3 breaks the desktop widget. It places the desktop widget in the top left corner and it cannot be moved. I have found that you can fix it by killing the Airdroid task, editing the settings.ini to set the location to 100,100 then restarting the program. You can then move it on the screen where you want. However, as soon as you go to tablet mode, then back to desktop mode, the desktop widget is broken again; it is in the top left corner and cannot be moved.

Any suggestions on how to fix this, or is this a defect that needs to wait for the next release?


Hi Ken,

Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into this and will get back to you soon :)

Re: Windows 10 Tablet Mode breaks desktop widget

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into this and will get back to you soon Image
I just updated to the latest desktop version and I am still seeing the same problem. Do you have any further feedback on this?


Coffee Admin

Re: Windows 10 Tablet Mode breaks desktop widget


Hi, we've figured out the cause of this. But we're still looking for a solution for this :(

Re: Windows 10 Tablet Mode breaks desktop widget


Hi, we've figured out the cause of this. But we're still looking for a solution for this Image

OK. Thanks.
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