Airmirror can't control with mouse on Galaxy S4 Lollipop (Rooted)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:49 pm in General

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Prima Avially

Airmirror can't control with mouse on Galaxy S4 Lollipop (Rooted)

Airmirror can't control my phone with mouse. The things that can control is just home button and menu button. I want full control of my phone via Airmirror. Please help :(
Prima Avially
Coffee Admin

Re: Airmirror can't control with mouse on Galaxy S4 Lollipop (Rooted)

@prima avially

Hi, you mean you tried to open apps or enter words in your phone with AirMirror but failed? Can you send us a gif/video so that we can better understand the situation? Thanks.
Jason Herft

Re: Airmirror can't control with mouse on Galaxy S4 Lollipop (Rooted)

I have the same problem as well.

I can access my phone (Samsung Note 4), but does not allow to control the phone. I was able to do it earlier but now the control function seems to have been disabled.

Any ideas on how to get this to work?
Jason Herft
Coffee Admin

Re: Airmirror can't control with mouse on Galaxy S4 Lollipop (Rooted)

I have the same problem as well.

I can access my phone (Samsung Note 4), but does not allow to control the phone. I was able to do it earlier but now the control function seems to have been disabled.

Any ideas on how to get this to work?

Hi, can you reboot the phone and try again?

If it still doesn't work, please attach the logs and exceptions to help us troubleshoot. Thanks!

Right click on AirDroid icon > select open file location > logs and exception.
Create a file named log.dll in application support/airdroid/ Open AirDroid and log in. And then Click Finder > click Go > Press Alt until Library shows > Click Library > Application Support > AirDroid
AirMirror: /SD Card/Android/data/com.sand.airdroid/files
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