Adding a friend in the listquestion

Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:24 pm in General

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Adding a friend in the list

i am a user in Korea.
i understand there is no language of Korean.
It is ok in using english. but
when adding friends of email, words in english takes up double-space.
so, I cant add a single friend of mine.
how can u help me with this problem.
Coffee Admin

Re: Adding a friend in the list

i am a user in Korea.
i understand there is no language of Korean.
It is ok in using english. but
when adding friends of email, words in english takes up double-space.
so, I cant add a single friend of mine.
how can u help me with this problem.

Hi, can you pls attach a screenshot of it? I just tried adding friends on my side but it doesn't take up double-space..
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