Camera remote access stopped working

Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:53 am in General

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Camera remote access stopped working

For almost two weeks now, this feature no longer works. I used to remote access my android phone camera from the air droid web. These days it no longer works it keeps connecting and after a while I see at the bottom of the screen that the device whose camera am trying to access has had its connection interrupted, it asks me to reconnect. Please help, thanks
Coffee Admin

Re: Camera remote access stopped working

For almost two weeks now, this feature no longer works. I used to remote access my android phone camera from the air droid web. These days it no longer works it keeps connecting and after a while I see at the bottom of the screen that the device whose camera am trying to access has had its connection interrupted, it asks me to reconnect. Please help, thanks

Does the connection interrupt at once when you open camera? Or after you use camera for a while? If you use other feature, will this happen?

Re: Camera remote access stopped working

Does the connection interrupt at once when you open camera? Or after you use camera for a while? If you use other feature, will this happen?

I'm having the same problem with my LG G3. Disconnects the instant I click camera. I've tried multiple browsers with the same result. Never had the problem before, and it doesn't happen on my Samsung S5. Please help!
Lillian Admin

Re: Camera remote access stopped working

I'm having the same problem with my LG G3. Disconnects the instant I click camera. I've tried multiple browsers with the same result. Never had the problem before, and it doesn't happen on my Samsung S5. Please help!

Hey~ Is there any error message appearing when you click the camera? It would be helpful if you could send us a screenshot of it
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