Could not open AirMirror.log

Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:56 pm in General

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Could not open AirMirror.log

Hi I have problem with AirMirroring.
It says this:
air mirror.png

So I was looking for problem and I found somewhere that I must have installed SuperSU too (I use second account on tablet). Ive installed it and when I retryed to connect it wanted permissions to SuperSU so I submit it and i looked on logs from SuperSU it sayed this:

Then I looked to this destination and there wasn't AirMirror.log What do I need to do? Thanks for answer.

Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab S
Root: YES (SuperSU)
OS: Android lollipop (5.0.2)
Coffee Admin

Re: Could not open AirMirror.log

Hi I have problem with AirMirroring.
It says this:Image
So I was looking for problem and I found somewhere that I must have installed SuperSU too (I use second account on tablet). Ive installed it and when I retryed to connect it wanted permissions to SuperSU so I submit it and i looked on logs from SuperSU it sayed this:Image
Then I looked to this destination and there wasn't AirMirror.log What do I need to do? Thanks for answer.

Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab S
Root: YES (SuperSU)
OS: Android lollipop (5.0.2)


Sorry that Samsung devices running Android 5.0+ can't use AirMirror in rooted way.

You can try to use AirMirror in nont-rooted way: [Help & FAQ] Using AirMirror in Non-Root Way
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