Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:07 pm in General

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Prince Perry

Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

TL;DR - Nothing important ever works.

For a while, I was able to bear the bugs. The desktop version was fairly new and I was (and still am) very appreciative of the AirDroid team and what they've brought. But it's been a while and a lot of important things still aren't fixed (or have broken over the course of time), which is why I'll never convert to a premium user. For example:
  1. Login - No matter how many times I check "remember me on this computer" I always have to login when the app is closed or my computer restarts.
  2. App Notifications - Still irritating that they appear over and over and over for the same app, and I can't change the tone to be less annoying. Also. Even though my preferences are set so they disappear after 7 seconds, there's a hit or miss chance they will. Sometimes they stay forever.
  3. SMS Notifications - Work 50% of the time. Often I can send texts from the desktop. However, when it comes to receiving SMS I almost never get a notification these days. I'll hear my phone go off and anticipate a notification to appear on the desktop and it never does.
  4. Connection - Or rather lack of. My phone used to connect as soon as my computer was fired up (or vice versa), but now it never does. Sometimes I have to open the app on my phone. Sometimes I have to close the app on my computer. Sometimes I just hit refresh a billion times. Sometimes nothing works.
  5. Transfers - The primary reason I wanted to use this app was to transfer music. Ever since forcing downloads to go to AirDroid > transfers on Android, there's been a sharp decline in reliability. There's about a 25% chance I can successfully transfer without any issues. Usually it gets stuck and no matter how many times I hit "try again" it never works.
I think these are my main gripes. But they're enough from ever keeping me from upgrading or recommending AirDroid to others.
Prince Perry
Dora Admin

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

TL;DR - Nothing important ever works.

For a while, I was able to bear the bugs. The desktop version was fairly new and I was (and still am) very appreciative of the AirDroid team and what they've brought. But it's been a while and a lot of important things still aren't fixed (or have broken over the course of time), which is why I'll never convert to a premium user. For example:
[*]Login - No matter how many times I check "remember me on this computer" I always have to login when the app is closed or my computer restarts.
[*]App Notifications - Still irritating that they appear over and over and over for the same app, and I can't change the tone to be less annoying. Also. Even though my preferences are set so they disappear after 7 seconds, there's a hit or miss chance they will. Sometimes they stay forever.
[*]SMS Notifications - Work 50% of the time. Often I can send texts from the desktop. However, when it comes to receiving SMS I almost never get a notification these days. I'll hear my phone go off and anticipate a notification to appear on the desktop and it never does.
[*]Connection - Or rather lack of. My phone used to connect as soon as my computer was fired up (or vice versa), but now it never does. Sometimes I have to open the app on my phone. Sometimes I have to close the app on my computer. Sometimes I just hit refresh a billion times. Sometimes nothing works.
[*]Transfers - The primary reason I wanted to use this app was to transfer music. Ever since forcing downloads to go to AirDroid > transfers on Android, there's been a sharp decline in reliability. There's about a 25% chance I can successfully transfer without any issues. Usually it gets stuck and no matter how many times I hit "try again" it never works.
I think these are my main gripes. But they're enough from ever keeping me from upgrading or recommending AirDroid to others.

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience.
App notification: Are those notifications that appear over and over comes from one app or many apps? Would you please block the notification from this app to see if other notification will disappear after 7 seconds?

Connection: would you please check if you have turned on " Push service" in the AirDroid settings on your phone?

Transfers: are you using local connection mode or remote connection mode? Does it work fine if you transfer file from your phone to PC?
Prince Perry

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience.
App notification: Are those notifications that appear over and over comes from one app or many apps? Would you please block the notification from this app to see if other notification will disappear after 7 seconds?

Connection: would you please check if you have turned on " Push service" in the AirDroid settings on your phone?

Transfers: are you using local connection mode or remote connection mode? Does it work fine if you transfer file from your phone to PC?

Thanks for the quick reply Dora.

App Notification: It's not the system launcher notification that keeps appearing. I rarely see that at all. However, almost every app on my phone does appear frequently.

Connection: Yes, Push Service is turned on. It's also been granted notification access on my phone's system.

Transfers: I'm usually using a local connection, and try to always use it. Remote often took too long and/or I was transferring a lot of files at once and didn't want to eat up my data. I don't normally send files from my phone to PC, but I just tried it and it works.
Prince Perry
Jeff Brotherston

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

Dora wrote:
TL;DR - Nothing important ever works.

For a while, I was able to bear the bugs. The desktop version was fairly new and I was (and still am) very appreciative of the AirDroid team and what they've brought. But it's been a while and a lot of important things still aren't fixed (or have broken over the course of time), which is why I'll never convert to a premium user. For example:
  1. Login - No matter how many times I check "remember me on this computer" I always have to login when the app is closed or my computer restarts.
  2. App Notifications - Still irritating that they appear over and over and over for the same app, and I can't change the tone to be less annoying. Also. Even though my preferences are set so they disappear after 7 seconds, there's a hit or miss chance they will. Sometimes they stay forever.
  3. SMS Notifications - Work 50% of the time. Often I can send texts from the desktop. However, when it comes to receiving SMS I almost never get a notification these days. I'll hear my phone go off and anticipate a notification to appear on the desktop and it never does.
  4. Connection - Or rather lack of. My phone used to connect as soon as my computer was fired up (or vice versa), but now it never does. Sometimes I have to open the app on my phone. Sometimes I have to close the app on my computer. Sometimes I just hit refresh a billion times. Sometimes nothing works.
  5. Transfers - The primary reason I wanted to use this app was to transfer music. Ever since forcing downloads to go to AirDroid > transfers on Android, there's been a sharp decline in reliability. There's about a 25% chance I can successfully transfer without any issues. Usually it gets stuck and no matter how many times I hit "try again" it never works.
I think these are my main gripes. But they're enough from ever keeping me from upgrading or recommending AirDroid to others.
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience.
App notification: Are those notifications that appear over and over comes from one app or many apps? Would you please block the notification from this app to see if other notification will disappear after 7 seconds?

Connection: would you please check if you have turned on " Push service" in the AirDroid settings on your phone?

Transfers: are you using local connection mode or remote connection mode? Does it work fine if you transfer file from your phone to PC?

  1. Login - No matter how many times I check "remember me on this computer" I always have to login when the app is closed or my computer restarts. >>>>>>>This annoys the heck out of me!!!!!!!!!!!! Having to re-login several times a day completely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prince Perry likes this post.
Jeff Brotherston
Jeff Brotherston

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

[*]Login - No matter how many times I check "remember me on this computer" I always have to login when the app is closed or my computer restarts. >>>>>>>This annoys the heck out of me!!!!!!!!!!!! Having to re-login several times a day completely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff Brotherston
Dora Admin

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

Hi @jeff brotherston, Try deleting "AirDroid.plist" in this file: Users/(your user name)/Library/Application Support/AirDroid to see if it works.​
Prince Perry

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

Hi @jeff brotherston, Try deleting "AirDroid.plist" in this file: Users/(your user name)/Library/Application Support/AirDroid to see if it works.​

I don't know about normal login, but this solution doesn't work with Google authentication. It just pre-populates the email field with my email.
Prince Perry
Dora Admin

Re: Why I'm Still Not a Premium User

@prince perry You can't sign in on web.airdroid.com or on PC?
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