so there is no real app for Linux yet?question

Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:02 pm in General

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so there is no real app for Linux yet?

I only ask because it said download, clicked, nothing, did think they'd actually support Linux, googled it, got this sight, which is in a link on there webpage sign in use AirDroid from the web browser page. then came in here looking to find out if there is actaully a DT App for linux, under discussion drop down list it didn't even have a selection for Linux. so nO Support for Linux............

makes me wonder if they are using Linux or Window servers to run there app?
TheOwen Smith

Re: so there is no real app for Linux yet?

I don't think that there is a linux app, but if you are running linux Ubuntu I've heard that you can run windows applications, therefore you could use the windows application on Ubuntu. that's all i know.
TheOwen Smith
Dora Admin

Re: so there is no real app for Linux yet?

I only ask because it said download, clicked, nothing, did think they'd actually support Linux, googled it, got this sight, which is in a link on there webpage sign in use AirDroid from the web browser page. then came in here looking to find out if there is actaully a DT App for linux, under discussion drop down list it didn't even have a selection for Linux. so nO Support for Linux............

makes me wonder if they are using Linux or Window servers to run there app?
Hi, sorry, there is no AirDroid desktop client for Linux now. But you can sign in to to use AirDroid.

Re: so there is no real app for Linux yet?

Some features are only available on the Desktop app. Please consider a linux Desktop version.
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