Connection via a Proxyquestion

Mon May 23, 2016 9:08 am in General

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Connection via a Proxy

Good Morning,

After looking through various posts on the forums, I have come to understand that AirDroid doesn't support connections via a Proxy.

We provide and support networks to 100+ schools in our local area and have very restricted Proxy and Firewall solutions in place. All connections that are not proxied and blocked by our firewall and therefore we cannot get AirDroid to work (currently only one of our secondary schools wishes to test this, but should we be able to get this working, then potentially others will follow).

When attempting to sign in, we're seeing a variety of error codes, the first set of which I've managed to resolve by adding * to our proxy authentication exceptions list.

This now just leaves us with an error code of -26861 and looking in the exception log I can see that the application is trying to make a direct web connection to which will not be allowed through our firewall. The previous IP address is part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and due to this Amazon hosting a vast majority of sites and services, we cannot allow all traffic through the firewall for all AWS.

Is there a definitive list of IP Addresses and Ports that are required for AirDroid to work so that I can get these amended on our Firewall to allow traffic through? Is adding TCP 80 simply enough?

Kindest Regards,
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