Hi, could you please tell us more details about it? It would be helpful for troubleshooting the issue if you can send us a screenshot of it with description on it. Thx.
Ohh sorry, was kinda tired when posting this. Messenger is a huge part of texting, actually so huge that most I know get more messenger messages than normal messages, messenger have combined themselves with my own messages so I have to kinda respond through messenger.
Then why doesnt Air Droid support looking through my messenger messages, through my computer, or at least make it more "user friendly" than to use air mirror? Sorry, I got a LG4s and air mirror kinda lags a lot on my computer (not that I have a bad computer at all), if I have to use air mirror to look through my messages with a slower version of my computer in another website, then I might as well pick my phone up, so was hoping that messenger would be easier to control on my computer, and would look more inviting to use. Something you guys working on?