Airmirror wants to install Bonjourquestion

Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:11 pm in General

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Hansen Wong

Airmirror wants to install Bonjour

I believe Bonjour is an application from Apple to connect Apple devices with the PC. How come this installer is inside the Airdroid folder, runs every time I start Airdroid, and tries to install with the /quiet switch?

Ultimately, I just want to know what use Bonjour is to running Airdroid because Airdroid runs just fine when I click no.
Hansen Wong
mahesh jariwala

Re: Airmirror wants to install Bonjour

air mirror not working on my samsung galaxy note 5
everytime i open the air mirror -device authorisation message
mahesh jariwala
Lillian Admin

Re: Airmirror wants to install Bonjour

I believe Bonjour is an application from Apple to connect Apple devices with the PC. How come this installer is inside the Airdroid folder, runs every time I start Airdroid, and tries to install with the /quiet switch?

Ultimately, I just want to know what use Bonjour is to running Airdroid because Airdroid runs just fine when I click no.

Hi~ when you use "Nearby" function, Bonjour service starts to be working. It is optional.
Lillian Admin

Re: Airmirror wants to install Bonjour

air mirror not working on my samsung galaxy note 5
everytime i open the air mirror -device authorisation message
When the message of device authorization popup, please click it and it should be working after you restart AirDroid.
Hansen Wong

Re: Airmirror wants to install Bonjour

lillian wrote:
I believe Bonjour is an application from Apple to connect Apple devices with the PC. How come this installer is inside the Airdroid folder, runs every time I start Airdroid, and tries to install with the /quiet switch?

Ultimately, I just want to know what use Bonjour is to running Airdroid because Airdroid runs just fine when I click no.
Hi~ when you use "Nearby" function, Bonjour service starts to be working. It is optional.

​What is the "Nearby" function?
Hansen Wong
Lillian Admin

Re: Airmirror wants to install Bonjour

​What is the "Nearby" function?

Hi, The Nearby function helps you find the devices that are in the same network with your device, and you can send them messages,add them as friends, etc.
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