Notifications on Desktopquestion

Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:01 pm in General

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Notifications on Desktop

Is there anyway to change it so my notifications pop up in the bottom left of the screen? It is just a little annoying when I already have a chat client like facebook open already and get that blocked every time I get a notification that blocks that text box telling me I have a new message from the same person.
Lillian Admin

Re: Notifications on Desktop

Is there anyway to change it so my notifications pop up in the bottom left of the screen? It is just a little annoying when I already have a chat client like facebook open already and get that blocked every time I get a notification that blocks that text box telling me I have a new message from the same person.

Hi Jack, you may try to block notifications from that app, e.g. Facebook, on AirDroid, so that you don't need to block it everytime it pops up.
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