If I don't click refresh, I don't see new texts on AirDroid Webquestion

Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:02 pm in General

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If I don't click refresh, I don't see new texts on AirDroid Web

On my Win7 PC with Firefox, I bring up http://web.airdroid.com/ to be able to type instead of using my phone. Until recently, it has worked great. But lately (and yes, I've rebooted a number of times along the way) two things are problematic. After I type the message:

1) It shows, but the little envelope makes it look like it's sending and sending and sending. But it DID send!
2) I don't get the person's response on my computer (just my phone) unless I click refresh. Then I see that the envelope no longer looks like it sent and I can see if the person responded.

Frustrating to have to keep refreshing instead of it just showing up like before. Advice?
Lillian Admin

Re: If I don't click refresh, I don't see new texts on AirDroid Web

On my Win7 PC with Firefox, I bring up http://web.airdroid.com/ to be able to type instead of using my phone. Until recently, it has worked great. But lately (and yes, I've rebooted a number of times along the way) two things are problematic. After I type the message:

1) It shows, but the little envelope makes it look like it's sending and sending and sending. But it DID send!
2) I don't get the person's response on my computer (just my phone) unless I click refresh. Then I see that the envelope no longer looks like it sent and I can see if the person responded.

Frustrating to have to keep refreshing instead of it just showing up like before. Advice?


Would you please help clarify the following issue?

1 Would you please check if this issue appear on PC client?
2 Would you please change the browser, such as Chrome, and see if it works properly?

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