Cant connect when Screen is asleep :(question

Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:52 pm in General

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Cant connect when Screen is asleep :(

When the Screen of my tablet is in Sleepmode, i cant connect :(
Can i somehow change that? I want to be able to access it from College, when my Tablet is at home.

Best Regards, CubE
Lillian Admin

Re: Cant connect when Screen is asleep :(

When the Screen of my tablet is in Sleepmode, i cant connect Image
Can i somehow change that? I want to be able to access it from College, when my Tablet is at home.

Best Regards, CubE

Hi CubE, have you checked the settings mentioned in this post about this issue:

It may be caused by doze mode or power saving mode. Please check it out

Re: Cant connect when Screen is asleep :(

Well i dont want to wake up the Tablet. Why should i want to Remote Control it, when i have it near me. Its at my Grandfathers house and i want to control it for him. But if its in Sleep Mode, i cant connect. He always needs to wake it up first. That is what i dont want.
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