What is the Typing Option good for on the drag and drop messenger modequestion

Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:55 pm in General

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What is the Typing Option good for on the drag and drop messenger mode

Does it serve as a notepad...? cause I really don't see any other use then that...? It looks like a messenger but i don't see the point if Im only able to sent myself a message.. Also the copy to clipboard option.. That i do find to be useful if it would work as copying transfer from both phone to app and app to phone.. For example a web address from a web site on your phone and pasting it on the airdrop desktop so I can then see the site on my laptop.. Which will eliminate from having to retype the entire address, but that only works in mirror mode not on the drag and drop messenger mode... Ive been trying to look for a good tutorial on youtube that explains every option but there doesn't seem to be none out that has targeted every option. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to explain..
Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 11.00.54 AM.png
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