Problems connecting to devicesquestion

Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:39 am in General

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Android Service

Problems connecting to devices

Will my device still show on if the app is deleted or will it dissappear from the devices list? I am having problems connecting to my devices all of a sudden and I renewed my subscription. . .
britsbrag1234 likes this post.
Android Service

Re: Problems connecting to devices

i do not know why my mobile is not connected ....i think debugging of usb not done properly..
Lillian Admin

Re: Problems connecting to devices

Will my device still show on if the app is deleted or will it dissappear from the devices list? I am having problems connecting to my devices all of a sudden and I renewed my subscription. . .
Hi, you can see it in the device list as offline, and it can not be connected since AirDroid has been deleted on the Android device.

Raj likes this post.
Lillian Admin

Re: Problems connecting to devices

i do not know why my mobile is not connected ....i think debugging of usb not done properly..

Hi, Is there any error msg when failed to connect?

Would you pls check this post for more info about that:
Del Voon

Re: Problems connecting to devices

Hi there,

I've been having connection issues with Airdroid web since the last app update. Have tried all troubleshooting steps recommended in the FAQ and forums, reinstalled the app etc, no joy.

Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong? Thanks for your time!

Del Voon
Lillian Admin

Re: Problems connecting to devices

Hi there,

I've been having connection issues with Airdroid web since the last app update. Have tried all troubleshooting steps recommended in the FAQ and forums, reinstalled the app etc, no joy.

Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong? Thanks for your time!

Hi, would you please tell us your AirDroid account so that we can check it for you?
Del Voon

Re: Problems connecting to devices

Hi, would you please tell us your AirDroid account so that we can check it for you?

My AirDroid account's email is - hopefully that's what you're after? Thanks!
Del Voon
Lillian Admin

Re: Problems connecting to devices

My AirDroid account's email is [email][/email] - hopefully that's what you're after? Thanks!

Hi, would you please try to do the diagnostic test on your phone and then try it again to see if it works?
Please check this post for instructions to do diagnostic test:

If it still doesn't work, Pls try to connect to the phone with methods mentioned in this post:

Re: Problems connecting to devices

Instalé AirDroid en mi P.C. y al agregar el movil, descubrí que había escrito mal mi correo electrónico. He tratado de corregir el error en mi celular y no me lo permite. También traté de desinstalar AirDroid en mi celular, (Ir a la aplicación-mover al lado derecho, buscar donde dice desinstalar) con el objeto de reinstalarlo de nuevo, pero el icono para desinstalarlo no aparece. ¿Me ayudan por favor?
Lillian Admin

Re: Problems connecting to devices

Instalé AirDroid en mi P.C. y al agregar el movil, descubrí que había escrito mal mi correo electrónico. He tratado de corregir el error en mi celular y no me lo permite. También traté de desinstalar AirDroid en mi celular, (Ir a la aplicación-mover al lado derecho, buscar donde dice desinstalar) con el objeto de reinstalarlo de nuevo, pero el icono para desinstalarlo no aparece. ¿Me ayudan por favor?

Hi Visor, kindly note that you can change the email address on the account center. Please check this post for more info about that:

And here's the instructions to uninstall:
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