error: failed to connect to server -10803

Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:40 am in General

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Dan Walls

error: failed to connect to server -10803

I am getting this error when I try to connect to the airdroid server from the windows app. I can log into my account using the web client. And I can connect from my android device. Any idea why I have a problem using the web app?
Dan Walls
Lillian Admin

Re: error: failed to connect to server -10803

I am getting this error when I try to connect to the airdroid server from the windows app. I can log into my account using the web client. And I can connect from my android device. Any idea why I have a problem using the web app?

Hi, would you please try to sign in on firstly, and try to sign in on desktop client again to see if it works now?
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