Thank you for your feedback.
Sorry for any inconvenience that you have experienced.
Would you please help us to clarify the issues by answering the following question?
1. Is there a repeat message notification when using all applications? Can you name a few apps?
2. We would like to know the email is system email or install from app store?
3. Would you please tell us your device model?
Feel free to let us know if you need further help.
Best regards,
I'm having the same problem and have posted on here, as well as email support but no reply. I've also left a poor review in the hope that it would get a reply but still no response from Airdroid.
Anyway, I get duplicate notifications for Gmail, WhatsApp and the built-in SMS app. Sometimes, the same notification pops up over a dozen times which is incredibly annoying. If I block either of the notifications for any of the apps, it then blocks all subsequent messages until I unblock it. Also, choosing to delete emails frequently results in a 'failed to delete' message which means I then have to unlock the phone to do it, which negates the point of using the app. There doesn't seem to be a way to deal with these issues and I'm extremely close to uninstalling Airdroid permanently, which would be shame as it's otherwise a decent app. It just seems absolutely pointless to have an app that is supposed to make it easier to manage the phone without having to use the phone directly, only to have to keep picking up the phone and deleting/dismissing emails and texts.
Please fix this.
I'm using the latest Airdroid for Windows and Android and my phone is an S7 Edge (unrooted).
Thank you