[New] AirDroid v3.1.4 Update, Fixed File Upload Exploit of AirDroid App

Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:12 pm in AirDroid News

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Sida.AirDroid Admin

[New] AirDroid v3.1.4 Update, Fixed File Upload Exploit of AirDroid App

AirDroid Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload Exploit was exposed on 7/6/2015. Attackers in the same network can upload files to your device without authentication in some way. We got down to it immediately and released this new version to fix the exploit.

Please update to AirDroid v3.1.4 (Android app only) to keep your phone safe . Thank Parsa Adib for reporting this exploit.
We suggest you update to the latest version as soon as possible to avoid attack. If it is inconvenient for you to update now, you can avoid attack by using AirDroid with cellular data or trusted private Wi-Fi only.

AirDroid v3.1.4 Changelog:
1. Fixed the exploit that attackers in the same network can upload files to your device without authentication in some way.
2. Fixed a bug that prevents uploading folder with more than 100 files successfully in AirDroid Web.

AirDroid team will keep reducing the vulnerabilities. Please contact us at biz@airdroid.com if you find any other vulnerabilities of AirDroid.
Thank all AirDroid users for supporting!

Update now:
Get AirDroid Android v3.1.4 on Google Play

Download the APK

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.1.4 Update, Fixed File Upload Exploit of AirDroid App

isaiah has no home worck today and the days is the honeworck

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.1.4 Update, Fixed File Upload Exploit of AirDroid App

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