[Help & FAQ] Paid But Failed to Activate AirDroid Premium?

Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:42 am in FAQ

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Re: [Help & FAQ] Paid But Failed to Activate AirDroid Premium?

Yes i also same problem and thanks to be share

Amazing post

Thanks a lot for the valuable post for most exciting post truly information get new topic nice.

Re: [Help & FAQ] Paid But Failed to Activate AirDroid Premium?

AirDroid account email: Littlejibrilro2@gmail.com
PayPal account you used to purchase the item:No, i purchase using Google Play, Sept 18, 2018
Item you purchased: 1Month

Re: [Help & FAQ] Paid But Failed to Activate AirDroid Premium?

same issue i am facing paid for monthly charges from google pay on last day but did not get premium account yet

and also sent mails to pay@airdroid.com with payment screenshot

Re: [Help & FAQ] Paid But Failed to Activate AirDroid Premium?

If you have Buy AirDroid Premium service, and have confirmed that the money has been taken from your PayPal account or credit card but you are not a Premium user yet, Please send the following information to Kamagra
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