[Help & FAQ] Why I Can't Use AirMirror

Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:29 am in FAQ

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Re: [Help & FAQ] Why I Can't Use AirMirror

Короче... Выполнил все настройки по инструкции. Нихрена не получается выполнить полный доступ. Никто толком пояснить не может. Разработчики только на форум отправляют. В пинду такое приложение. Зря деньги заплатил...

Re: [Help & FAQ] Why I Can't Use AirMirror

Coffee wrote:Please make sure your device is running Android 4.1+ and you're using the latest version of AirDroid.

1. For rooted devices, make sure your device has been rooted and you’ve granted AirDroid the permission needed to use AirMirror.

2. For non-rooted devices, make sure you've done the settings right:


i) You only need to do the settings of non-rooted Android for one time if you never reboot the phone. If you reboot your phone, you need to do it again.

ii) If your device is rooted but AirDroid failed to get the permission, try using AirMirror in the non-root way.

If everything is done correctly but you still cannot use AirMirror after many attempts, then your device is not supported now. Please kindly wait because we are working hard to improve it.

The articles below may help:
[Help & FAQ] AirMirror
[Help & FAQ] Known AirMirror Supported ROMs List of Rooted Devices

None of the above make sense! My phone is the latest Samsung Galaxy S8 and definitely not rooted, and already open the USB debugging and still couldn't use it, this is just a waste of time

Re: [Help & FAQ] Why I Can't Use AirMirror

air mirror.... disappeared ?, only accessible from airweb ..... o mis dispositivos....

Re: [Help & FAQ] Why I Can't Use AirMirror

Coffee wrote:Please make sure your device is running Android 4.1+ and you're using the latest version of AirDroid.

1. For rooted devices, make sure your device has been rooted and you’ve granted AirDroid the permission needed to use AirMirror.

2. For non-rooted devices, make sure you've done the settings right:


i) You only need to do the settings of non-rooted Android for one time if you never reboot the phone. If you reboot your phone, you need to do it again.

ii) If your device is rooted but AirDroid failed to get the permission, try using AirMirror in the non-root way.

If everything is done correctly but you still cannot use AirMirror after many attempts, then your device is not supported now. Please kindly wait because we are working hard to improve it.

The articles below may help:
[Help & FAQ] AirMirror
[Help & FAQ] Known AirMirror Supported ROMs List of Rooted Devices
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