[Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:45 am in FAQ

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Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Network connection is good and sure. I tried this app on another device ( samsung galaxy 3 ) and works very good.

Network connection is good and sure. I tried this app on another device ( samsung galaxy 3 ) and works very good.

I did the diagnostic test, and then tried to connect again to see if it works?
Still doesn't work
The test works good. It shows that everything is good. But still I haven't connection.
Maybe Huawei honor 7 has some protect settings?
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

My vivo Y51L phones display is locked.How can I re-open it? [email]http://forums.airdroid.cobkoirala.edn.ka14@gmail.com[/email]

Hi, how about re-open it manually

If you have connected to the phone with AirMirror, you may try to click the phone screen from PC with AirMirror
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

I did the diagnostic test, and then tried to connect again to see if it works?
Still doesn't work
The test works good. It shows that everything is good. But still I haven't connection.
Maybe Huawei honor 7 has some protect settings?

Hi, It seems that the connection has been blocked:( Please try USB tethering method to connect: http://forums.airdroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15936&p=42159&hilit=usb+tethering

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Hi, It seems that the connection has been blocked:( Please try USB tethering method to connect: http://forums.airdroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15936&p=42159&hilit=usb+tethering
Maybe Huawei honor 7 has some protect settings?
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Maybe Huawei honor 7 has some protect settings?

Hi Daria,
Sorry that we can not find out the issue with Huawei settings Or asking clarifications from Huawei would be helpful

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

i have lost my phone ,,,,,what should i do now

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

bnmnbmnm,,mnnmbnn nmnnbn nbbnbfngf bnbnbnb
Erika Knight

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

The web.airdroid.com only connect a device in other network at a 1:00 AM until 8:00 AM since 13/10/2015. It1s not a local problem because there several users reporting the same problem.
Erika Knight

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

i have problem to connect airdriod connection to my pc. only connect when airdriod application on in mobile other wise not please solve this problem

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Android wrote:The web.airdroid.com only connect a device in other network at a 1:00 AM until 8:00 AM since 13/10/2015. It1s not a local problem because there several users reporting the same problem.

owrthless. makes no sensee
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