[Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:45 am in FAQ

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Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

application for new connection

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?


Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

I am about to delete this app unless someone can tell me why I cannot find files or upload or download from my sd card, 7 gb worth, waste of my time again

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Apres avoir lu et relu les informations , je n'arrive toujours pas à faire la connexion avec le pc . merci
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

I am about to delete this app unless someone can tell me why I cannot find files or upload or download from my sd card, 7 gb worth, waste of my time again
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience that has caused.

Is there any error message when it fails to transfer files from external SD card?

Would you please check this post for more information about this issue: http://forums.airdroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16405
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Apres avoir lu et relu les informations , je n'arrive toujours pas à faire la connexion avec le pc . merci

Hi, would you please try to connect in the method mentioned in this post: http://forums.airdroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15936&p=42159&hilit=usb+tethering
And see if it works then?

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

no me funciona mi airmirror, como puedo hacer para que pueda ver. que mas tengo que hacer.
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

no me funciona mi airmirror, como puedo hacer para que pueda ver. que mas tengo que hacer.

Hi, is there any error message when the problem happens? Would you please send us a screenshot of it? THX~

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

veo la camara
Casey Cook

Re: [Help & FAQ] Failed to connect to device?

Can you send us some screenshots?

I have the same problem. This just started today. There have been zero updates to my OS, my Router firmware or my Android OS. I am trying using Firefox and Chrome. This is your software and it is a bug that manifested itself today. Cannot connect using the IP (Lite mode) or the QC code scan method. Furthermore, for the first time ever, web.airdroid.com wants to connect to my wife's phone and doesn't even show my device in the list of devices on the same WiFi network (which I have confirmed).

This is a systematic problem with your software today - or a compatibility issue that just surfaced. I will have to uninstall and find another option unless you guys can find a fix. Again, literally nothing has changed on my network or any of my devices.
Casey Cook
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