[Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:34 am in FAQ

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Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

I have some questions about my Messages and Camera funtion.
First :Why can not query the my SMS on AirDroid web manage?
second: when I launch the camera function it will prompts the failed to launch the camera. I have try many times to fix this question, in WIFI LAN is Successful. 3G LAN is a failure.
Charlene Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

I have some questions about my Messages and Camera funtion.
First :Why can not query the my SMS on AirDroid web manage?[sizeimg=100%xauto]http://forums.airdroid.com/files/images/Messages.png[/sizeimg]
second: when I launch the camera function it will prompts the failed to launch the camera. I have try many times to fix this question, in WIFI LAN is Successful. 3G LAN is a failure.

Hi Leon,sorry for any inconvenience that it has caused.But please don't worry, we will do everything we can to help you work it out.
First of all, could you please check if you've granted permission to AirDroid for accessing to SMS and camera on phone? :)

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

SMS messages in Unicode get broken down into smaller bits (67 chars?). Particularly, it happens to me with Hebrew, so perhaps it's got something to do with right-to-left? I do believe there was such restriction once for SMS messages, but it's long gone these days. Can we get the same capability from AirDroid?
Thank you,
Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

SMS messages in Unicode get broken down into smaller bits (67 chars?). Particularly, it happens to me with Hebrew, so perhaps it's got something to do with right-to-left? I do believe there was such restriction once for SMS messages, but it's long gone these days. Can we get the same capability from AirDroid?
Thank you,

Hi Nir,

Would you mind sending us a screenshot of it? It would be much helpful for troubleshooting


Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

Absolutely. Here's text I typed in (one block) on AD web, and the way it gets parsed on my phone. Note: I sent this to myself for test purposes, and for the first time realized it winds up as one block when received. So it was only the outgoing text parsed like that on MY phone? The receiver always gets it in one block? Doh, never thought of that :). Less of a problem, of course, but still nice if you fix it. Tnx :)
lillian wrote:
SMS messages in Unicode get broken down into smaller bits (67 chars?). Particularly, it happens to me with Hebrew, so perhaps it's got something to do with right-to-left? I do believe there was such restriction once for SMS messages, but it's long gone these days. Can we get the same capability from AirDroid?
Thank you,
Hi Nir,

Would you mind sending us a screenshot of it? It would be much helpful for troubleshooting

Lillian Admin

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

Absolutely. Here's text I typed in (one block) on AD web, and the way it gets parsed on my phone. Note: I sent this to myself for test purposes, and for the first time realized it winds up as one block when received. So it was only the outgoing text parsed like that on MY phone? The receiver always gets it in one block? Doh, never thought of that Image. Less of a problem, of course, but still nice if you fix it. Tnx Image

Hi, does the problem appear on PC client? You type on AirDroid PC client and it is also parsed?

And does those messages showing on AirDroid web.airdroid.com, and PC client also get parsed, not a block?

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

Charlene wrote:Hi all, sorry for any inconvenience that has caused.It refers to the fact that Huawei developers have set restriction for it. We've sent an e-mail to them and hope we can work it out. Any development, we will let you know. :) Your kindly understanding will be much appreciated.

Can we know more about this restriction ? Maybe we can find a way to work something out . . .

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

I see, thank you. Hope it gets solved soon :)

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

Is it posible to disable scrolling to top when new sms arrives ? I'm using the webapp connecting through

Re: [Help & FAQ] AirDroid Web - SMS

¿Cómo puedo enviar varios números móviles sin tener que escribirlos cada uno?
Gracias por la atención prestada
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