[Help & FAQ] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:41 am in FAQ

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Lillian Admin

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

I cannot get Backup to set up properly.

I have an HTC One M8 running Android version 6.0
The AirDroid version on the phone is 3.2.5 and my version on my PC is 3.3.3, running Windows 10

I get a message on the desktop app, "Please set a computer as a backup destination on the phone"
When I click on the backup icon on the phone I get a screen telling me the 3 basic steps;

1. Connect phone & PC to same network - They are
2. Start Airdroid on phone and sign in to the same Airdroid account - I have
3.Install Airdroid etc. - I have

That's all I can do. Or is there another method of transferring my videos/pictures to my PC so I can delete them to make space on my phone?



Hi Harry, Have you tried uploading photos/videos on web.airdroid.com? Pls check this posts of information about it:
Lillian Admin

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Hope you can help me understand how to (1) select the phone folders of data (pics & video) to be backed up; (2) select the destination folder on the computer; (3) permit or reject file duplicates or overwrites; (4) ensure that all folder structure and intended files on phone ("saved" to SD card or otherwise) are backed up correctly. Is there a delete option for individual files or folders on the phone? Also, does the backup preserve all EXIF and other file data unchanged?

Thanks for any guidance or reference to an AirDroid help screen.

Steve Capps ("Pookie")

Hi, Would you please check this post about Backup: http://forums.airdroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17155

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Md Kanak

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

[classquote=item-user-modify][uid=73354][/uid] [/classquote] [classquote=item-user-modify][uid=73354][/uid] [/classquote]
Md Kanak

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Thanks for this information. Usedfull information for me.

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Max Lapin

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Max Lapin
Charlene Admin

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Thanks a lot for the replies.
iOS 11

No worries, always feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.:)

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

Hi, @Grandymyrtle, could you please provide us with logs? They could be found at the following paths:


Smartphone:SD card/Android/data/com.sand.airdroid/files/main.log

We could be reached at support@airdroid.com

Thank you. Image

I found the problem. I needed to select the camera folder on the sd card to be backed up, not the one on the phone itself.

Re: [New] AirDroid v3.3.1 Update: Backup all the photos on the your phone to your own computer

salut ca va
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