Diagnostic Tool

Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:15 am in FAQ

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Re: Diagnostic Tool

please help me i have sucessfully installed airdroid app on my phone but i am u check the unable to check her sms call logs etc because when i signin on my browser after that it shows me please wait connecting to device samsung j7 but after a while it pop ups an error as connection failled every time as it shows check the network settings ,unlock or wakeup device ,as the settings ,the settings are ok on her device then why it is not connecting to her device and giving that error please help me please
Manu Sharma

Re: Diagnostic Tool

i can not connected to airdroid from the pc . What should I do?
Manu Sharma

Re: Diagnostic Tool

Download all mobile diagnostic tool from http://www.root4pc.com. Remember all tools are compatible with PC Windows.

Re: Diagnostic Tool

i have lost my mobile. some one near to my residence only stolen.. thru android i want to locate. once i cld sign in but cld not move further pl advise lo link to my lava grand xi

Re: Diagnostic Tool

Airdroid co 20-30 sekund traci połączenie z internetem. Wykluczam jekiekolwiek problemy sprzętowe i programowe z mojej strony. Dzieje się tak niezależnie od mojej lokalizacji. Każde inne programy wymagające stałego połączenia z internetem nie mają tej wady(np Avast i inne). Rezygnuję z przedłużenia subskrypcji tylko z tego powodu. Jest to denerwujące. Pozdrawiam.
Niki Admin

Re: Diagnostic Tool

please help me i have sucessfully installed airdroid app on my girlfriends phone but i am u check the unable to check her sms call logs etc because when i signin on my browser after that it shows me please wait connecting to device samsung j7 but after a while it pop ups an error as connection failled every time as it shows check the network settings ,unlock or wakeup device ,as the settings ,the settings are ok on her device then why it is not connecting to her device and giving that error please help me please

Thank you for your Email.

If the power saving mode is turned on, AirDroid service on the phone will stop after about 30 minutes of inactivity. And once AirDroid service is stopped, connection might also be interrupted.

If you connected your device to 2G/3G/4G network, the network will be disconnected when you receive a call. Thus the connection between your device and PC/laptop will be interrupted. You may connect your device to WiFi network and try again.

Best regards.

Re: Diagnostic Tool

I cannot connect which has been a problem for some time. After months I had given up but would like to get this app running.
Niki Admin

Re: Diagnostic Tool

I cannot connect which has been a problem for some time. After months I had given up but would like to get this app running.

Thank you for your feedback.

We would like to confirm with you that whether Airdroid running on your device when you
sign in Airdroid web?

When you sign in web Airdroid you should make sure that Airdroid is keeping running on the background, because sometimes it will killed by the phone's process.

So, would you like to restart Airdroid on your device again to see if it works?

Feel free to let us know if you need further help.

Best Regards,

Re: Diagnostic Tool

why i cant connect to my cellphone?
mr zeck

Re: Diagnostic Tool

Saya telah mendaftarkan perangkat yg saya aktifkan buat airdroid.
Tp mengapa saya tdk bisa melihat sms masuk dan keluar.
Begitu juga dgn tlpn masuk dan keluar.
Hp yg saya daftarkan samsung gt e 1272.
Dengan no +6281360750000
mr zeck
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