SMS messages sent through Windows app not showing up in thread on phonequestion

Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:27 pm in AirDroid Win

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Re: SMS messages sent through Windows app not showing up in thread on phone

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that it worked finally! I've been switching between different SMS texing apps because the texts I sent through my computer wouldn't show up on my phone, but it finally worked! Thank you!

Re: SMS messages sent through Windows app not showing up in thread on phone

I'm having the exact same problem on my Moto x-pure edition since I upgraded to nougat and the new Google Assistant. One thing I can verify is that all my messages are being received even if I can't see them. I suspect this is a bug with nougat/the new Google Assistant/the new nougat messaging app.

I never had this problem on marshmallow with the old Google Assistant and marshmallow style messaging app. I wouldn't be too surprised if they fix it with an update eventually. They're in the process of completely overhauling the messenger service as I type this. If I find an answer in the meantime I'll let you Know More ;-)
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